Help your students learn all about story elements and how to read and understand fictional texts. This bundle includes anchor charts, graphic organizers, reading task cards and word wall cards that will help you effectively teach your fiction unit.
Fiction Story Elements Resource Bundle
More about this resource
Help your students learn all about story elements and how to read and understand fictional texts. This bundle includes anchor charts, graphic organizers, reading task cards and word wall cards that will help you effectively teach your fiction unit.
Check out each individual resource included to learn more about that product.
What’s Included?
Story Elements Anchor Charts – These 17 elements of anchor charts are a great addition to your interactive reader’s notebook. This poster set will help you teach your students all about story elements and plot structure. Students can glue the anchor charts in their journal for quick and easy reference while they are independently reading and you can display them in your classroom as part of a focus wall or classroom display
Story Elements Task Cards – Story elements are such an important concept to teach students when they are learning how to comprehend and enjoy fictional texts… but our instruction should go beyond just identifying what each story element is. These reading comprehension task cards will help your students identify, connect, and explain the impact of each story element on the story. They are fun and engaging and students will enjoy reading the short stories.
Print Graphic Organizers – These reading response graphic organizers are an awesome tool to incorporate into your reader’s workshop. Each reading response worksheet will help students improve their reading comprehension when it comes to fiction texts. The graphic organizers are ideal for students in grades 3-5 and can easily be incorporated into your guided reading lessons, strategy lessons, independent reading time, or be used as homework.
Fiction Word Wall Cards – Teaching students academic language is so important. There are a TON of terms that students need to know when it comes to reading. These 33 reading fiction word wall cards will help your students remember all the terms necessary to be able to discuss and talk about fiction texts.
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